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Democracies in Distress – Current Developments, Trends and Implications

In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Arnold-Bergstraesser-Institut

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Das ABI ist ein unabhängiges Forschungsinstitut in Freiburg, das zu Politik und Gesellschaft in Afrika, Asien, Lateinamerika und Nahost in den Themenbereichen Konflikt und Migration, Staat und Governance sowie Ressourcenpolitik arbeitet. Neben der Forschung gehört auch der Wissenstransfer in die breitere Öffentlichkeit und in die entwicklungspolitische Praxis zu seinen Aufgaben.



Quelle: Arnold-Bergstraesser-Institut



Democracies in Distress –
Current Developments, Trends and Implications

The first quarter of the 21st century is increasingly featuring signs of democratic disillu-sionment and decay. Recent experiences in Hungary, Turkey, Thailand, Venezuela, Philippines, Kenya and Egypt draw attention to – what the influential and controversial Samuel Huntington foreshadowed as – the ‘third reverse wave’ of democratization. Efforts to empower executive functions, rewrite constitutional power arrangements, diminish political freedoms, and pursue extrajudicial means of governance have been on the rise. Moreover, the resurgent emphasis on counter-terrorism and populist nationalism add new challenges to the consolidation of democratic forms of government. 
The lecture series ‘Democracies in Distress’ brings these recent developments to the fore and discusses salient trends and implications. In doing so, it seeks to shed light on the shifting political tides in Europe and the Global South.

20 Uhr c.t.
HS 1015, KG I
Gordon Crawford
(Research Professor, University of Coventry (UK), former editor of ‘Democratization’)
Threats for democracy. Examples from Africa
20 Uhr c.t.
Aula, KG I
Barbara Unmüßig
(Präsidentin der Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, Berlin)
Zivilgesellschaft weltweit in Gefahr
20 Uhr c.t.
HS 1199, KG I
Laurence Whitehead
(Senior Research Fellow in Politics, Nuffield College, Oxford University)
Prospects for democracy: Comparative perspectives from the Global South
20 Uhr c.t.
Aula, KG I
Wolfgang Merkel
(Professor für Vergleichende Regierungslehre, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin)
Der Herbst der Demokratie